Why Follow When You Can Lead?

If you have a social media account, it’s a guarantee that you follow at least one Influencer. You may not call them an Influencer or even consider them one, but you follow them because they have similar interests to you. They wear the same style clothes and always tell you when things are going on sale. Or maybe they live in your favorite city and always know the best spots to eat and drink. Maybe they are remodeling their house and giving you all kinds of inspiration for when you finally move into your dream home.

My point is, the list of people you follow are there for a reason - you share similar interests with them. What if I told you that FlipperSplash created a feature that allowed you to actually collaborate with these people? Lead a group chat instead of just follow along? Learn from the pros and from your peers.

On the FlipperSplash App, we call them groups and we created them so that people can do more than just follow along. Anyone can create a group on the app, invite people to join and start collaborating all in one place. FlipperSplash users can also join public groups that interest them and have an opportunity to begin working with other like minded Splashers!

Ready to join in? Simply download the FlipperSplash app, create your Splasher profile and head over to the Groups tab! Let the fun begin!

Brands, InfluencerMonica Merrill