Fashion Forward with Fashion Reverie

When you think Fashion Media, think Fashion Reverie! William Gooch III, the Editor-in-Chief of has launched the fashion channel that we’ve all been waiting for. The witty cast of Fashion Reverie Talks cleverly takes us from the front lines of fashion to the front row. If you’re ready to be introduced to stylish collaborations, new fashion brands, up to date ways for us to look and feel our best and so much more, you don’t want to miss an episode!

R. Scott French of Very New York says it best, “While many media companies saw the events of the last year and a half as reason to hunker down and fight to survive, the team at Fashion Reverie Magazine, one of the best kept secrets on the fashion web-o-sphere, took the opportunity to reinvent, reignite & relaunch. “

We had the opportunity to interview Mr. Gooch allowing us a sneak peek of what he’s up to along with how his pivot and relaunch can help reinvigorate us all. 


Can you tell us how you initially thought of the idea for Fashion Reverie?

I had worked for a variety of online and print fashion publications and there were things I wanted to do that I couldn't do while working for other fashion publications. So, a very good friend mine who was also a fashion client encouraged me to step up and launch my own fashion publication. (Honestly, I think they was tired of my complaints.)

So, with his encouragement and the encouragement of my father that is what I did, launching on March 7, 2012. Within three months, we were getting over 350,000 hits a month.

How long did you work on the idea before you had your site up and running?

I worked on the idea for about 2 months with the help of two colleagues.

Your Fashion Reverie Talks channel has launched and we can't wait to let people know about it. What made you want to dive into this medium?

When observing fashion segments on daily network talk shows, I just knew I could do a much better job. At first, I was trying to figure out how to fundraise and produce the first 10 episodes and put it in market, hopefully to be picked up by a cable or network channel. When COVID-19 hit and the daily talk shows converted to ZOOM, I realized that we could do the same thing. After Managing Editor Carl Ayers looked into what it would take for us to produce "Fashion Reverie Talks" using the ZOOM platform, within a few months we were off to the races, so to speak.

We know about the massive obstacles that Covid and 2020/21 brought to us all. Was there anything that forced you to pivot in a new direction that has actually become a blessing?

Well, COVID-19 forced us to re-examine how we were going to produce "Fashion Reverie Talks." And the pandemic provided us the motivation to move forward and produce the talk show because everyone had pulled back in the fashion industry. This gave us an opportunity without a lot of opposition from competition.

Imagine it's 10 years ago and you could give yourself one piece of advice on the cusp of starting Fashion Reverie Publications. What would that be?

I would tell my more evolved self to trust my instincts more and be a bit more daring.

Do you have a motto or saying that helps you on those days, when giving-up actually seems like an option?

"The race is not to the swift."

We always love to share a few personal details with our audience because inquiring minds...

Will you share a habit or go-to that you have in the morning that gets your day started off on the right foot?

I start my day in the morning with gratitude and my daily morning meditation.

Is there a fact about you that people would be surprised to hear about?

I was once a ballet dancer and I was involved in that profession for about nine years, dancing in companies in New York City and in Europe. Folks would be surprised because although I have great posture and fantastic legs, I am no longer slender. Ha, ha.

When you want to dress to impress, what's the one thing you turn to?

A great pair of shoes and concealer for the dark circles.

Any fashion advice for our readers that they don't usually hear?

Be original, look for designers that others are not wearing and fashion should be an investment. Invest in that trans-seasonal item that can be in your wardrobe for several seasons. should be your go-to fashion publication that informs you of these great, original investment fashion items.

If you haven’t had a chance to check out Fashion Reverie Talks on YouTube, iHeartRadio, Spotify or Apple Podcasts, we highly recommend that you take a few minutes, get informed and get dressed!

Follow Fashion Reverie: Instagram & YouTube

 For more information, interviews, or guest appearance opportunities, contact:  

 VERY New York 

R. Scott French

Brands, InfluencerMonica Merrill