Discount Codes are a Good Thing ... Trust Us!

Owning a business is not for the faint of heart. It requires dedication, patience and perseverance. We get it and we want to help. Part of the good news is that you are in good company. There are 28.8 million small businesses in the United States and they employ 56.8 million people. Small businesses, in fact, account for 99.7% of all the businesses in the U.S. So, why aren’t Influencer Marketing Agencies making their services affordable? Your guess is as good as ours.

The next part of the good news is that FlipperSplash is being built with small business in mind. Our founder, a mom inventor, wanted the platform to be both functional and affordable for small business owners across the country. Influencer Marketing is all the rage – why shouldn’t ALL businesses have the tools to succeed in this marketing trend??

While FlipperSplash will take the agency arm out of the Influencer Marketing scenario, we do give some suggestions to our Brands in regards to their deal with the Influencer of their choosing. One of those suggestions is passing along a discount or promotional code for your Influencer to give to their followers.

I know, I know – we just talked about making things affordable and now I’m asking you to give discounts. Let me explain. Have you ever heard of ROI? If not, ROI stands for Return on Investment – In a nutshell, it is how you know what money you have brought in from one particular advertisement, sponsorship, etc. For example, if you run a print advertisement in a local magazine and offer a discount code to those who present said ad – you can easily track how many consumers came in specifically because of that advertisement. Influencer Marketing works the same way!

Offering a small discount or promo code allows you to easily track the ROI that comes with each Influencer you work with. This is helpful not only to see how much money was brought in through your initial investment, but also helps you see which Influencers worked the best with your brand. Give a little, get a whole lot back.

By giving your Influencer a promo code to pass along to their followers you can begin to see the ripple effect that FlipperSplash is built to create.