The Makery Jax and the Babes Behind It

Picture this: You're on Etsy, searching for the perfect gift for your best friend's baby shower. There are a million, give or take, shops with cute baby blankets, but are they soft? Hand stitched? Are they coming from overseas and have a shipping estimate of 27-35 business days? Who knows!?

(Spoiler Alert: The above is based on true events and was solved at The Makery Fall Market when I discovered

The Nesst

... three of the softest, cutest baby blankets later and here we are.)


The Makery Jax

- a curated market where independent Makers and creative entrepreneurs along with the community can gather and inspire one another. REAL. LIFE. ETSY. Not only real life Etsy, but real life Etsy highlighting the incredible Makers right in our backyard.


There is truly no place like the Makery Jax. Creativity is fostered here, and it's not going away anytime soon. You have to see it to believe it.

So what is a "



We thought you'd never ask.

The Maker Movement is the next big thing. The concept centers on a marketplace where small brands and businesses share their products! You can find these marketplaces all across the United States and even the World, but we're partial to the kick-a** one we have right here in Jacksonville.

But wait, there's more ... Have you ever tried a DIY project and it turned out less than perfect?

Yeah, me too

. The Makery not only offers festivals where you can purchase artisanal products from local vendors, but also incorporates classes teaching you how to up your DIY game led by those very Makers you see at the festivals!

So, how do you get involved in all this Makery magic? The

Spring Market

is April 14-15 at Space42. You can snag tickets


. Can't wait til the 14th? We get it. Check out the Open Studio Night on April 13th. The Open Studio will include glassblowing with

Burnt Glassworks

, welding with

Main Made


Cat Scratch Ceramics

throwing clay, DeVoe Design mono-printing and tons of other Makers doing their thing. Think: sewing, cutting, welding, jewelry making, woodworking, screen printing and more ... LIVE! Did we mention a free drink, small bites and live music? Tickets are limited so slide over


and gets yours STAT!

Now that you know all about The Makery Jax, I bet you're wondering who brought this GENIUS concept to the Jax hood. We had the privilege of sitting down with Co-Founders (and our new BFFs) Taryn and Sara to chat about how this concept came to light and what they have in store as the Makery continues to grow and thrive in our community. We hope you enjoy learning about them and The Makery as much as we did.

What sparked the idea for The Makery?


:  I love to make things and always have.  I really appreciate what it takes to create something and then put it out into the world.  There were so many people making fantastic things but they were all online on Etsy and elsewhere. I knew there had to be locals working just as hard but they were super hard to find.  Jax really needed a platform just for them.  Taryn had a similar vision and so we jumped in together to create one.


: I was emerging from all things Mom and wanted a way to jump back into the creative world. I went to school for Graphic Design + Business and always


 losing myself in a new Project and being forced to think outside the box. When Sara and I met at Southern Grounds for a simple "lets get out of the house, get coffee and take a breather," it turned into a full fledged session of brainstorming and ideas. It just grew (

and grew, and grew!)

from there.

What is your favorite part of working in Jax?


: I am a native.. Crazy right? I love that the city is on the cusp of something new.  I think people have been working hard for YEARS to bring Jax, especially Downtown, up to speed.  Finally, it is paying off and I think everyone can feel it.The best part is people are truly supportive of one another.  So, I think we are on the right track.  There are tons of talented people here and JAX is about to take off!


: I moved here from Boston and lived here for almost 10 years before really venturing out and exploring Jax. Since I did, my zlove for this city has grown exponentially. Building The Makery has forced me to expand into areas I wouldn't have really ventured to, being a part of the evolution of culture and community in our city has been so rewarding.

What does Influencer Marketing mean to you?


:  People are drawn to relationships.  They really are what makes life better than - blah.  Online, people are interacting in a really new way that is incredibly visual but it is peoples stories and their words behind the images that keep people coming back again and again.  Some people are really doing a great job cultivating relationships with their followers over time.  Influencer Marketing is harnessing the power of these relationships and combining it with the fact that people buy from people that they know, like, and trust.  When a brand can connect with their market using a preexisting relationship as a platform, it can launch them to the next level.  This is what all businesses want so it is a win/win for everyone!


: Influencer Marketing is genius. Lets be real, we all offer reviews of things, right? Even people we don't necessarily have close personal relationships with but who we see regularly, who have taken time to cultivate their image and have established their niche on social media- we find ourselves looking at where they are going, what they are doing, using, or wearing. Its the perfect blend of real life + online platform. Influencer Marketing really is a great tool for businesses and companies, not to mention a sweet gig for Influencers.

Name 3 local Brands that you would like to Influence for.


: I have no idea but with 9 people in the family, I think I can probably find a way to work with anyone. Anyone awesome, that is!


: Oh boy, where do I start? There are a lot of local brands I'd love to Influence for but

Tangled Jewelry




Vagabond Coffee

are just a few.

Do you have 3 bucket list items that you want to share?


:  I really want to take ballroom dance lessons with my 16 yo son, stay in a cottage in the Ireland countryside for a month and paint, and would love to take the family on a plane out west.  There are so many of us, we have to drive EVERYWHERE!


: I love hiking so I'd love to hike the Appalachian Trail with my husband, have a full fledge vegetable garden and to publish a kids book.

How do you think Social Media has positively affected your business?


:  We are able to instantly introduce our followers to a new idea or Maker.  I love that we can pivot from one idea to another and get a ton of feedback about something, quickly.  Plus, we have found some great Makers and they have found us. The community and support the creative community is able to offer one another on SM is incredible! So much talent and goodness out there!


: Sara and I envisioned The Makery, signed the rental lease, created a website and executed the market inside of 2 and a half months- - - Social Media (and a lot of wine) made that possible. It has enabled us to grow, change and build relationships.

If you could pick one place to travel to this year, where would it be?


:  Again, I want to take the kids somewhere out west.  We go to the mountains of NC, to hike and explore, every year but are ready for the BIG ones!  A cruise wouldn't be too shabby either... I’d love to ride off into the sunset after the market is over. It takes about a week or so to unwind.


: I'm beyond excited to be going to Ireland in September- and what Sara said: a cruise after Market would be pretty wonderful.

What advice would you give aspiring Makers?


:  Spend some time getting your branding and presentation together, take great pictures, and then GET OUT THERE!  We love to support new Makers!  The Maker community will help you but you need to put in the work on the front end.


: Find something you


 and build it- but don't rush it. Take your time, make mistakes, learn from them and do it better the next time.

What have your biggest challenges been while developing The Makery?


:  I think just pacing our growth has been a big challenge.  I have SO MANY ideas!


: I agree with Sara on this one. If you saw our Vision Board, you would need an Advil afterward. We have tons of ideas, avenues we want to explore and not enough time! Pacing ourselves has been a challenge, for sure.

What do you like to do in your free time? (If you have any ...)


:  I am renovating my house.  I love to dream and scheme and sometimes actually build something! Design is pretty much my jam so eye candy = totally real!  I also love trying new places to eat with the hubby and exploring “grown up” stuff with the kids.  Teaching them about the world is super rewarding!


: I love crafting with my girl, soccer with my boys and finding different date nights with the man. We last canoed the Intracoastal, going in and out of the marshes.. and then went to LemonBar.

How did you introduce The Makery into the community? 


:  We launched at our Spring Market in 2017.  It was a big jump but I wouldn't change a thing.  The people we have met and worked with have made it super satisfying.


: We just jumped in! We believed in ourselves, tried to think of everything and strived to stay ahead of the game. I'm thankful for how it turned out and how its growing!

Do you have a routine that helps you stay successful?


:  Get up and get to it!  Every day is different but just keep moving and shit gets done.


: I'm content just surviving at this point haha

Just for fun ... 

I have a weakness for ...


: Coffee and the rush I get from a new wall color.  I won't tell you how many times I have painted my living room...


: A good book and a great nail polish color.

My ideal TV family is ...


: Um...You have me stumped.  The best answer is I don't watch TV, like ever.


: There is no ideal family, I learned that after my first kid. Its all a fake to make you think some parents have it together : they don't.

Something people get wrong about me is ....


:  People think I am quiet.  The truth is it just takes me longer to get started and then I can't stop.


: I think I'm pretty straight forward.

I can't believe I once ...


: said I would never have kids. I am swimming in them. The best thing I ever did!


: Ate pig brains (in Mozambique). Yes, you read that right.

How do you drink your coffee?/What do you order at Starbucks?


:  At Starbucks, I like a short doppio espresso with a splash of whole milk with whip and a caramel drizzle.  At home, I like black Cuban instant espresso with cream.  If there is a cortado on the menu, it is mine, ALL the time!


: Most of the time, I drink it black at home. At Starbucks < Triple grande macchiato with soy milk.

What is your go to "off the clock" drink?


:  I don't really have one although I do love a hot toddy.  Obviously, this only works about a month out of the year.


: Mmmm, I love Bourbon but have to be in the right setting. Otherwise, vodka+soda.

My mantra is ...




is a new day.


: Its a quote, not a mantra but I love it nonetheless: "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view." To Kill a Mockingbird

The Makery Spring Market is April 14-15th with the Open Studio Night on April 13th - but workshops and events have already started and will continue leading up to the Spring Market and go on well after. Be sure to follow The Makery Jax on




to stay in the loop with all the maker magic!