Why the Heck Did You Choose the Name FlipperSplash?

There is a reason to celebrate every day, if you try hard enough. After a rough 2020, we vowed to really celebrate in 2021 and we’re not talking your run-of-the-mill holidays like Christmas and New Year’s Eve. We’re talking the obscure holidays. The holidays that no one really remembers until you see them pop up on your Instagram. Why, you ask? Why the heck not?!

That all being said, Happy National Dolphin Day! While we really had a great time celebrating National Beer Day and National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day, this day is extra special to us. You’ve probably noticed our name - FlipperSplash - and likely, at one point or another, thought to yourself, “but why?”. If you’ve been around, you’ve heard the story, but we’re going to tell it again.

First and foremost, who doesn't love dolphins?? After 15 years of living in Florida, I am still giddy over seeing dolphins in the intercostal while walking across the Bayfront. The excitement truly never ends and if you don’t should “LOOK! DOLPHINS!” every time you see one, are you even living?

Aside from the obvious dolphins are so cute thing, we had a bit more behind are name than just that. Say it with me …. ripple. Dolphins, whales and all their finned friends have something in common. They use their fins/flippers/tails to communicate. A form of non-verbal communication. They are also to thank for the ripples we see throughout that waters. Starting small and extending onward and outward.

We built FlipperSplash with those ripples in mind. When one Splasher tries your product and shares it, they start that ripple. When their friends, families, followers, try that product and share their experience, the ripple grows. Soon you can see that the ripple truly has no limit. The more Splashers you connect with, the more new audiences you tap into and the larger your ripple grows and the more ripples you create. (See, we weren't totally crazy for choosing a name like FlipperSplash.

So, we challenge you, on National Dolphin Day, to think us next time you point out a dolphin. Not only us, but how much a simple ripple effect can help grow your Brand and introduce your Brand to brand new customers. You may think it’s not quite that simple, but we promise, you’re only one Splash(er) away from an endless supply of new eyes and new advocates for your business. Ready to take the jump? We’re ready when you are.