And Just Like That ...

You may think, based on the title of this post, that I am here to talk about the much anticipated Sex and the City revival. Sure, that was very exciting, especially for those who have loyally followed the show since it’s beginning. However, i’m talking about a slightly different (yet also very much the same) “and just like that”. The Peloton.

Now, don’t get me wrong, The Peloton was never really a small Brand that needed some publicity to get going. In fact, it has almost become one of those “name something that seems like a cult, but isn’t” kinda things. Especially since the pandemic and global shutdown in 2020, sometimes it feels like The Peloton was the ONLY way to exercise in this era. Whether it is a great PR team or just the fact that it is truly as awesome as we have all been lead to believe, the Peloton brand has seemingly had to put our very few fires since it became a household name. Enter “And Just Like That …”.

If you have been living under a proverbial rock for the last week or so, I would stop reading now (see: Spoilers ahead).

Ok, now that we’ve lost the rock dwellers, lets chat the SATC reboot and how it changed the way we look at the Peloton. More importantly, how Peloton took that narrative back. The much beloved SATC character Mr. Big tragically dies in the very first episode of the reboot. (I mean really, the FIRST episode?!) Anyways, his cause of death? Seemingly a heart attack brought upon by a strenuous workout on his Peloton bike. Now, despite the show being clearly fiction, the Peloton Brand faced backlash about how its workouts could potentially be dangerous.

Enter Ryan Reynolds and the Peloton head of global marketing, Dara Treseder. The speed alone at which this commercial was conceived, created and released was enough for even the biggest Peloton hater to give them kudos. The ad, if you haven’t seen it, features Mr Big himself alongside the Peloton instructor that presumably led to him untimely death in the SATC reboot. And just like that … social media was full of Peloton praise, support, interest and downright shock that Peloton responded to quickly and so brilliantly. Some even suggest they created that ad quicker than Carrie could call 9-1-1.

So why am I rambling on and on about SATC and Peloton? To address one important thing. MARKETING IS IMPORTANT. You never know what is coming. Running a Brand is truly unpredictable. A fluke, a bad day, a social media post gone awry. The beauty of that unpredictability, however, is your ability to be creative and fix it. Take back the narrative of your BRAND.

While Peloton took back that narrative with, what we can only imagine was, a very expensive commercial, you can use so many other methods. A press release. A snarky social media post. A newsletter. A partnership with an Influencer. A rebrand. Even better news? FlipperSplash can help with ALL THOSE THINGS. Our advice? Don’t wait for something to go wrong to have a marketing team in place. Get ahead of the game and make your Brand a Peloton brand.

Ready to get your crisis team together - pre-crisis? Ask us what we offer and how we can help your Brand.

Brands, InfluencerBridget Healy